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As your Councilmember I will continue to listen to your concerns and represent and support you in the development and implementation of policies about our community, housing, environment, safety, local business, traffic and quality of life.

We will only succeed by coming together as a community.

I am running for office because I am the candidate with the most experience and success at negotiating and developing consensus on the best ways to continue to protect and preserve our community.

My Approach

Our community is welcoming and unique. We celebrate this through arts and culture, through our love for environment and through our focus on preserving our character.


I have a clear view of our future. It’s one which unifies us behind continued improvement of our quality of life.

Preserve Our Character.


PRESERVE OUR COMMUNITY CHARACTER - I represent all the communities within District 3 - Cardiff by the Sea, and parts of Old and New Encinitas. District 3 is diverse and vibrant. Our coastal small-town character is unique. Preserving that uniqueness requires that intentionally managing change, to protect our environment and our people. I am certified as a Historic Preservation specialist and I value our shared history. I chair our Cultural Tourism Committee and we are just started a historic signage program which will profile our people, buildings and landscapes throughout the city. I voted in support of our Objective Standards which guide developers to create developments which integrate with our context and blend with our community. I approved funding for the Cardiff Strong Covid art project which is installed at Seaside Market plaza, supporting the Cardiff 101 Mainstreet Association. 

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MANAGE GROWTH - I have helped my District 3 neighbors manage growth by developing city-wide ordinances and policies to locally manage state mandates, to advocate for transit-oriented housing and to preserve our neighborhoods. I have been appointed to the California League of Cities Housing, Community and Economic Development state-wide committee to work with state leaders to develop better policies for local land use decisions. I will continue to support community input and I am working with neighbors to improve the El Camino Real corridor through the Specific Plan process. â€‹â€‹

SUPPORT GUN SAFETY - I have a strong record on gun safety. I voted for a resolution to outlaw ghost guns and will continue to support prevention of gun violence. Gun violence is tearing our nation apart. It's more important than ever at all levels of government to protect our community safety and reduce crime. 


PUBLIC SAFETY & HEALTH - I have supported the City's positive relationship with our sheriff, fire department, lifeguards, and emergency services. I have voted for additional resources for our Sheriff, and I support maintaining and improving our standing as one of the safest communities in CA. I supported e-bike safety training and enforcement, adding crossing guards, and improving bike facilities and pedestrian paths. I supported additional funding to address homelessness and vulnerable populations. I voted for wage increases for our Firefighters and a wellness incentive in their new 4-year contract. 

ADDRESS HOUSING - I support all levels of housing affordability by encouraging unique and smart approaches to housing – such as ADUs, publicly subsidized affordable housing, workforce housing and middle income housing. I voted in support of the CalCHA program, and for objective standards directing housing design. I will continue to demand that housing blend with the natural context, and I will improve our policies to enforce this. We must continue to champion housing options for all members of our community. I will work hard to protect housing for all, from our working youth to our growing senior populations. 


PROVIDE SHELTER - I am focusing on creating permanent supportive housing opportunities and I am building on regional collaboration to address homelessness such as COPPS (Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving) and HOPE (Homeless Outreach Program for Empowerment). I voted in support for the Safe Parking Program, and funding for COPPS and HOPE. We must work to solve the structural issues that leave members of our community without shelter.

Protect our Environment.


I led our city to protect our natural resources, but we still have work to do because of the pressures of changing climate and increasing environmental threats. As your City Councilmember, I have authored 2 resolutions on preservation of open space and native plants, which have received full support. I advocate for solutions that protect the oceans, beaches, bluffs, and open spaces which are the cornerstones of our coastal community. I recently was asked to serve as the first Encinitas representative to chair the SANDAG Environmental Mitigation Task Force to create smart regional solutions for promotion of environmental quality. I recently proposed a Board-member initiated item for the San Dieguito Water District for improved water conservation tools, incentives and education.


PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT & QUALITY OF LIFE - I prioritize water conservation, tree planting, decarbonization and 100% renewables, which are aligned with our gold-standard Climate Action Plan, and I work hard to make Encinitas an environmental quality model city in our region. I have taught the San Diego County Water Authority WaterSmart Workshops in my landscape architectural consulting work and am an expert at water conservation. I voted for electrification of new buildings, divestment from fossil fuels and declaration of a climate emergency.


​PRESERVE NATURE - I promote improving our land stewardship and preserving our beaches, lagoons, uplands, and unique habitats, because a healthy environment creates a healthy city. 


MANAGE OPEN SPACE – I developed the very popular Open Space Initiative - a resolution for the preservation, stewardship and expansion of all of our open spaces throughout the city; which is widely supported by a broad spectrum of stakeholders and residents.

Proven Leadership.


As the owner of several businesses over the last 26 years I have stepped up to lead in my profession. Over time I employed nearly 80 people and I value the role employers have in creating healthy communities.  By prioritizing local businesses we foster and support families. Our local businesses are vital to our economy. Small businesses are the backbone of District 3.


PRESERVE NATURE - I promote improving our land stewardship and preserving our beaches, lagoons, uplands, and unique habitats, because a healthy environment creates a healthy city. 


MANAGE OPEN SPACE – I developed the very popular Open Space Initiative - a resolution for the preservation, stewardship and expansion of all of our open spaces throughout the city; which is widely supported by a broad spectrum of stakeholders and residents.


Tackle our Traffic & Invest in Infrastructure.


The quality of our infrastructure affects each of our lives every day - from the roads we drive on to the sidewalks we walk on and the way our drainage handles stormwater. Providing efficient and safe infrastructure is one of the most important responsibilities of our public leaders. As your City Councilmember I will continue to support investment in public works projects that improve our roads, streets, bike paths, trails, sidewalks, urban forest, stormwater management and beaches, and encourage open communication with the public. As a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architecture, I believe that I am uniquely qualified to promote quality and cost -effective solutions in this arena.


FUNDING - I will support seeking a broad array of infrastructure funding mechanisms local, state and federal and proactively plan for funding needs. ​


GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE - I will continue to improve our policies and strategies to promote green infrastructure by fostering rainwater harvesting, tree preservation, stewardship and planting and assure high water quality.

Paid for By Lyndes Encinitas District 3 City

Council 2022. FPPC ID 1444625.

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